Socar Korea, known for its robust brand presence in South Korea, faced a unique challenge in Malaysia, where the brand was relatively unknown. The project focused on adapting Socar's successful car-sharing service and brand elements to resonate effectively with the Malaysian market.
Challenge & Solution
The challenge is to bridge the gap between Socar's offerings and user perceptions in Malaysia due to ineffective communication. The solution is to create consistent, value-focused messaging through brand guidelines, ensuring uniform communication across departments.
Three Key Message: Conveying Brand Benefits and Concepts to Users
I researched key messages and tone of voice for Socar Malaysia, interviewing stakeholders across departments, including the CEO. The aim was to create a service persona that combined user feedback, brand traits, and business offerings to resonate with Malaysian users.
Defining Message Direction from Benefits to Mission
Analysis revealed the need for a clear brand message emphasizing benefits and lifestyle alignment for Malaysian users. I focused on communicating service promotions, diverse car options, and our mission to reduce household car ownership.
Conveying Benefits, Lifestyle & Mission with Consistency
Developed design guidelines for key departments, ensuring brand consistency across all materials. Collaborated with a copywriter to maintain uniform messaging, reinforcing Socar's value proposition
• Improved Socar's messaging to better resonate with the Malaysian market.
• Implemented guidelines for uniform representation across departments and materials.
• Aligned brand messaging with Malaysian customers' needs and values, enhancing Socar's market position.
• End-to-end Project Leadership: Guided the project from inception to completion.
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