LG Electronics, with strong brand power globally, revamped its app for better usability. This concept launched, gradually rolling across the smart home appliance range to touch 1+ billion(Downloads) users' lives globally. Go to product 🔗
Challenge & Solution
The challenge is to declutter the app's overcomplicated UX, which is fueled by unstandardized stakeholder demands, and strengthen LG's brand. The solution is a user-focused redesign that streamlines features and enhances brand elements.
Showcasing the 5 Key Areas of Feature Usage
Leading a team of 3, I conducted in-depth research on 3 user groups, analyzing their interactions with smart appliances and the app. We extracted usage patterns and insights, which informed our UX/UI strategy and concept for LG ThinQ.
Navigation and UX/UI, informed by user insights, streamlined the smart home experience.
The navigation is structured in three parts, and implemented modular and card UI for improved visibility and ease of use across all sections.
 Center: Appliance operation and monitoring overview 
Left: Smart appliances, app info, and lifestyle tips
Right: Usage history for appliances and app
Impact & Highlights
• The concept, progressively implemented, will impact users' lives in selective countries (South Korea, U.S., etc.)
• Developed a user-centric app that stands out among competitors
• Led an 18-day user research sprint with a team, providing critical insights for a new UX/UI
• Streamlined smart home content discovery experience
Convincing stakeholders with data-driven concepts and key feature iteration
For full case studies, contact me via or LinkedIn.
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